Datex-Ohmeda Aestiva Anaesthsia Machine – Service manual


The information contained in this service manual pertains only to those models of products which are marketed by Datex-Ohmeda as of the effective date of this manual or the latest revision thereof. This service manual was prepared for exclusive use by Datex-Ohmeda service personnel in light of their training and experience as well as the availability to them of parts, proper tools and test equipment. Consequently, Datex-Ohrneda provides this service manual to its customers purely as a business convenience and for the customers general information only without warranty of the results with respect to any application of such information. Furthermore, because of the wide variety of circumstances under which maintenance and repair activities may be performed and the unique nature of each individual’s own experience, capacity, and qualifications, the fact that customer has received such information from Datex-Ohmeda does not imply in anyway that Datex-Ohmeda deems said individual to be qualified to perform any such maintenance or repair service. Moreover, it should not be assumed that every acceptable test and safety procedure or method, precaution, tool, equipment or device is referred to within, or that abnormal or unusual circumstances, may not warrant or suggest different or additional procedures or requirements.
This manual is subject to periodic review, update and revision. Customers are cautioned to obtain and consult the latest revision before undertaking any service of the equipment. Comments and suggestions on this manual are invited from our customers. Send your comments and suggestions to the Manager of Technical Communications, Datex-Ohmeda, Ohmeda Drive, P0 Box 7550, Madison, Wisconsin 53707.

CAUTION: Servicing of this product in accordance with this service manual should never be undertaken in the absence of proper tools, test equipment and the most recent revision to this service manual which is clearly and thoroughly understood.

Technical Competence
The procedures described in this service manual should be performed by trained and authorized personnel only. Maintenance should only be undertaken by competent individuals who have a general knowledge of and experience with devices of this nature. No repairs should ever be undertaken or attempted by anyone not having such qualifications.
Datex-Ohmeda strongly recommends using only genuine replacement parts, manufactured or sold by Datex-Ohmeda for all repair parts replacements.
Read completely through each step in every procedure before starting the procedure; any exceptions may result in a failure to properly and safely complete the attempted procedure.
